Fujian White Crane Kung Fu & Tai Chi


Frequently Asked Questions

Can beginners join in the class?

Our classes are very beginner friendly. Don’t be put off if you haven’t done a martial art before as it can sometimes help not to have any bad habits!

What does the class involve?

Most of our clubs run several types of class – Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Fighting, Weapons, and Patterns. There are separate children’s classes. There is more information on the individual club pages.

Do I need to get fit first?

There are no physical requirements – regular training will take care of your strength, fitness, agility and flexibility.

How often do I have to train?

This is normally determined by your schedule. Twice a week is a good target at the start to see progress. You will find that there are some dedicated members who seem to train all the time – don’t be put off by them as it is a personal journey and not a competition.

How much does it cost?

The Instructor will be able to tell you about their prices. Normally you will pay for each class you go to.

What should I wear?

We have a training uniform that can be ordered through the Instructor. To start with all you need is something you can exercise in. A t-shirt and tracksuit trousers are ideal.

What is the etiquette when I come along?

The first thing is to look for the Instructor of the class. They’ll be very happy to go over any questions you have. Instructors are generally addressed by their first name. Other than that, everything will be explained to you by the Instructor or a senior student in the class.

Can you tell me about membership?

There is a yearly membership fee of £70. This includes insurance with WAKO GB, and entitles you to train in all FWC clubs as well as attend club events (we have a very full calendar). You can always attend a non-committal trial class to find out if you want to join or not.

How big are the classes?

This really does vary. What is constant is that whether it is just you, or you are in a class of 30, you improve by being there.

Is there an age limit?

Some of the clubs run special classes for children. It is probably best to speak to the Instructor to find out what the age range of the class is and whether it is appropriate for your child as safety is the main concern. At the other end there really shouldn’t be any reason to stop training and so we welcome members no matter how old. Some members have even got their parents training – it never is too late to take care of yourself!

There is Kung Fu and Tai Chi. How do I know which one I will like?

Simple… just try them and see which one you like!

Why are people wearing different sashes?

There is a grading syllabus you work along, based mainly on patterns, or set movements you perform on your own. If you practise Tai Chi you will wear a yellow sash. On passing your first grading in Kung Fu you receive a red sash. Assistant Instructors wear a blue sash (this takes around three years of regular training to achieve). A Full Instructor, who will normally be running their own club, will wear a blue sash with a black tip if they teach Kung Fu and a yellow tip if they also teach Tai Chi. This can be done in 5 years but most Instructors have been training for much longer than that.

Will the class involve contact?

A lot of the classes will involve some partner work. This might be assisted stretching or practising an application that has been taught. However, it is very light as fighting is taught in a separate class. We recognise that this is an aspect that not everyone is interested in, and to start with can appear a bit intimidating.

Hopefully this helps a bit. We know it can be quite daunting going to the training hall full of people in uniform doing things that look impossible because we’ve all been there. Coming along and trying it out really is the only way to find out whether you are going to like the training and feel supported by the Club and learn from the Instructor. It is a greatly rewarding pastime so we do want to be as welcoming as possible. If you have any other questions just get in touch via the contact button or by getting in touch with your local Instructor.

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